This divinely channeled 44-card oracle deck was created to help you come home to yourself again and again. Use the seven suits in this deck to connect to your intuition, find your inner power, and bloom into your most authentic self as a modern multi-dimensional mama, woman, and human.
Chakra cards connect you to the wheels of energy within your body.
Goddess cards are high vibe entities you can call on daily.
Inner world cards dive into soul exploration prompts.
Restore & renew cards help you do just that.
Inner power cards invoke an activation at the deepest level.
Growth & expansion cards allow you to soar to your highest potential.
Divine connection cards remind you we are all one.
No matter what you’re currently going through, may these cards serve as an activation, a remembrance of the power you’ve always held within.
Now is your time to step into the light and become the woman, mother, and human you’ve always been destined to be.
You aren’t alone on this mom journey; let these cards serve as your daily guide for what’s rising inside of you and in need of attention each day.
The soul work that accompanies each card is meant to allow you to shed the layers that no longer serve you, unlearning all the ways the world has taught you to be, so you can come home to your true self, feelings, emotions, and desires.
We created this deck with the help of our guides and goddesses because we knew its exact alchemy was needed at this time on Earth.
Mothers all over are waking up, yearning for answers to questions they didn’t even know they had for themselves, their families, and around their purpose in life.
It is our intention that these cards allow you to surrender and trust the universe, so you can bloom bigger and brighter than you ever thought possible.
The journey has only just begun…
We love you!
Victoria Nielsen & Tiffany Wilkes are trained spiritual teachers, intuitive healers, and mamas on a mission to help you remember who you are.
Limited Edition
Truly one-of-a-kind
Hand bleached and screen printed
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